
1. AMA: Medicine 3.0, developments in the field of aging, healthy habits in times of stress, and more

    Lots of useful learnings here:

    • I'm impressed that Peter has a lot of experiences outside the medical field too. The experiences in McKinsey helps him a lot. That makes him unique among other doctors.
    • “I suspect this came out of the intensity of having to learn so much new content over and over and over again, and realizing that I couldn’t do it without a scaffolding.” Peter learned to quickly create a scaffolding for every problem so that he could anchor new information to it.


    1. Why we’re not wired to think scientifically (and what can be done about it) 

    We're much wired for stories than rigorous thinking and the scientific methods. Can we do something about it? Frameworks come into play again.

    2.  Science-Backed Ways to Increase VO2 Max

    A good article to use exercise to increase longevity. To summarize, we need to utilize HIIT exercises.

    3. The high cost of failing to fail

    This is one of the best gems I've learned this week. Very insightful. The biggest lesson here is that we need to create a safe space for experimentation and failing. That's how we learn the best. Not through instructions. This is why I've been avoiding going back to school.

    4. The Science-Backed Way to Write a Lot

    A good reminder to make time for writing. Writing is never an inspiration thing, it's hard to rely on it. It always has to come out of habits. Also it's something that is important but not urgent. That's why so few people do it. But that's what gives me leverage.

    Weekly progress and observations

    • I wrote four articles this week, each with at least 1000 words. Spending one hour a day is definitely worth it, and the more I write, the more I'll write.
    • I've been maximizing my morning productivity by completing all my tasks before work: reviewing flashcards, exercising, meditating, and eating 30g of protein. This leaves me with a lot of freedom and peace of mind in the evening. So even if my day fluctuates a lot, I'm still fine since I've done all the important things.
    • I've been listening to Peter Attia's podcast more attentively. It's exciting because there are lots of things I don't know, which means it creates opportunities for me to practice encoding and learning with relevance.
    • Compared to the day I started my blog in Vietnamese, it is getting a lot easier for me to write now. I imagine that for professional writers, it would be much easier for them to write a lot.